Job Title: Part-time (T/TH Evenings) Adult Education & Literacy Instructor CTC-North
Responsible to: AEL Coordinator & AEL Director/CTC Assistant Director of Adult Education
CTC Assistant Director and CTC Director
Primary AEL Function: The purpose of the program is to expand educational opportunities for adults, 17 years of age and older; enabling them to acquire basic skills, an HSE, English Language Skills, and/or post-secondary training. The goal for AEL students is to become more employable and productive citizens. The goal of the instructor is to interpret
pre/post-test results and to provide excellent group and one-on-one instruction, that leads to progression and/or HSE attainment.
- Four year degree
- Secure and maintain a valid Missouri AEL Teaching Certificate
- Excellent communication skills
- Computer skills and aptitude
- Teaching experience
General Responsibilities:
- A genuine interest in the Adult Education & Literacy Program
- Ability to assist with College and Career Readiness skills
- Willingness to practice current trends in adult education
- Assist with pre/post testing during class and Orientations
Specific Duties:
- Complete AEL certification within four months of hiring
- Complete a minimum of 20 hours of professional development each year
- Attend staff meetings
- Provide engaging lessons and positive classroom atmosphere
- Maintain class sign in sheets and monthly teacher time sheets
- Partner with teachers to develop quality instructional lesson plans
- Direct, guide, and evaluate student progress
- Develop and supervise individual student folders and student progress sheets
- Post-test students after 30-40 hours of instruction or the demonstration of skill mastery
- Encourage and praise student progress
- Recruit new students the program
- Provide guidance and referral information to students for needed services, job information, and additional educational opportunities.
Mandatory Criminal Record Check: As of January 1, 2005, all new employees to public schools in Missouri must comply with Missouri law 168.283. This law requires completion of the FBI finger print criminal record check for search of the criminal history repository and the family care registry of Missouri and federal criminal history files before an employment offer can be Board approved. Job offers will be contingent on successful completion of this proce